Healthy keto snacks

  • PorkRindsUpdated12

This article about healthy snacks explains away a lot of misconceptions about foods like full-fat sour cream (a staple of my diet!) and other snacks. The interesting thing is that ALL of these items are keto-friendly.

Genius Junk Food: 6 Snacks That Are Actually Good For You – lists the following snacks. Read the article from Men’s Health to read the facts about each:

  1. Pork rinds
  2. Alcohol
  3. Beef jerkey
  4. Sour cream
  5. Coconut
  6. Chocolate Bars

I don’t really like pork rinds, but I have eaten the barbecue flavored kind. I also found a comment in a discussion board where one guy said he ate pork rinds dipped in sour cream or guacamole. I may try that.

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